
Effects due to electric lighting are closely related to choices in interior furnishing. Daylight quality is mostly related to window design, dimensions, distribution as well as views out.

Play sessions in clicking Play session key. At the end of each session, we ask you to justify your choices, make suggestions and raise questions and issues. You can then browse through results of other participants in clicking the View results key

Optimal aperture solutions in the living room

A. Select best solution for daylighting of this living room in a house. Glazed area is constant

Manual Choice
Source : VisualSense / CODIFAB

B. Select optimal solution if you had to live in this apartment under the roof: note variety of window designs as well aschanges in floor area. Is good daylighting preferable to extra floor area?

Manual Choice
Source : VisualSense / CAPEB

C. Select window area which you consider as minimum acceptable for this apartment located on the 5th floor of an apartment building in Paris

home exemple

Manual Choice
Source : VisualSense

Window solutions in attics

A. Select window area which you consider as minimum acceptable for this apartment located on the first floor of an apartment building in Paris

Source, collaboration with" "

B. Select window design which you consider as most appropriate for this small apartment located on the first floor of an apartment building in Paris

Source, collaboration with" "


Source, collaboration with" "

Glazed area versus floor area

Manual Choice

Source, collaboration with" "

Pair Comparaison

Source, collaboration with" "

Manual Choice

Source, collaboration with" "

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